From the 9 to the 12 of May, 400 participants went to Iași congress, in Romania. With 8 countries represented, that was a record for the association and most of the M&L partners went there.
For some, it concluded their LTTA week, for other, it was one more congress. A special occasion to all students to present their research in english, live an international congress like a researcher, and meet some little researchers like them. During tree days, they presented their work with their twins, visited the city, the university, and listened some mathematics conferences.
Liceo Curiel and Lycée Vaclav Havel, Collège Sainte-Véronique and Colegiul Naţional Iasi, Lycée Arago Colegiul Național B.P Hasdeu, Colegiul National Mihai Eminescuand and Lycée Bellevue, Alès, Lycée d’altitude and Colegiul Naţional Emil Racoviţă presented their year-work by twins. At least, more than 30 subjects were presented.