
Our evaluation method presented during the MATh.en.JEANS summer school

Ariana Vacaretu from CNER and Sébastien Castagnedoli from Lycée Bellevue (Alès) presented an auto-evaluation guide during the MeJ Summer school in Briançon, in august.

Based on the guide made during the MatLan project these two teachers involved in the M&L project presented in front of 40 teachers in MeJ association a way for students to evaluation their progression during the year. This is testing during the project, with all partners. This guide permits to students to evaluate their progress regarding their MeJ activity : in oral communication, foreign language communication, and mathematics…

MeJ members are very careful regarding an « evaluation system » so naturally, an intense discussion followed the presentation. This guide utilisation is very dependent to the teacher who presents it to student, so it has to be used very carefully in order to keep MeJ values.


Lycée Vaclav Havel presents M&L during the Semaine des Maths

On Tuesday, 12th of March, University of Bordeaux welcomed hundred of high school students during The inauguration day of the Semaine des maths. A special moment for students from Vaclav Havel.

5 students from Bègles partner presents Maths&Languages project and their research in front of students from the region. A special moment for them!

They could explains the M&L concept, how do they work and communicate with their twins, and share the first results of their research. All of that in front of students from 11 to 22 years old, quite an exercise!



The second year of M&L started by a transnational meeting

The third transnational meeting happened in Warsaw on the 28 and 29th of september.

The second year of the project just started. These two days of meeting was the occasion to talk about how to evaluate skills of our students, to start to work about the guide « How to build a M&L workshop ».

Also, thanks to our partner of Żmichowska high school (Warsaw), we could discover the school, the city, and the Warsaw Uprising Museum.

This meeting was the occasion to discover the Faculty of Mathematics, Informatics and Mechanics of the University of Warsaw.


Students presentations in Lycée Arago (Perpignan, France)

M&L students from Lycée Arago presented the project, their workshop, international twinning and mathematical research to the other pupils and teachers of their school in the afternoon of the Friday, 25th of May (you can download the programme at the end of the article).

More than a dissemination activity, surely the best way to recruit students for next year!


Lycée d’Altitude and CN Emil Racoviţă students participated in the Math Research Forum (Cluj-Napoca, 18th of May)

Students from Lycée d’Altitude (Briançon, France) and Colegiul Naţional Emil Racoviţă (Cluj-Napoca, Romania) presented jointly their research activities during the Math Research Forum of Cluj-Napoca on the 18th of May. They were meeting for the third time this year, setting a nice collaboration example to the others M&L workshops to follow.

During this 3-days meeting, students from this twinning had the opportunity to go further in their research collaboration particularly writing together their publications.

Finally, the Briançon delegation was given a guided tour of the very nice city of Cluj-Napoca in English language. This M&L project is definitively much more than doing only Mathematics in a foreign language!



Arago students participated in the « Festijeune » day in Montpellier

The Argago M&L workshop participated in the « Festijeune » day, organized by the Occitanie Pyrénées Méditerranée Region and held on the 17th of May in the Montpellier Exhibition hall. These students are definitively first-class ambassadors for our project!

13 M&L pupils of this workshop had the opportunity there to present the M&L project, accompanied by  their teacher Marie Diumenge and 37 supporters from their school. They first introduced the project via a 10 minutes oral presentation in the international openness area and then participated to a debate on the interests of such an international experience and the issues that must be faced to make it successful. They discussed there with young people that spent between 2 weeks and 5 months in Barcelone, Cameroon and Chile.

The afternoon was dedicated to the discover of many projects funded by the Region in several areas: sport, culture, music, mémory etc. and then enjoyed a musical entirely built by 300 students and their teachers, a urban dance show and a rap concert.


The M&L project presented during the 3rd Scientix conference 4-6 May 2018

Ariana Vacaretu, teacher at the Colegiul Naţional Emil Racoviţă (Cluj-Napoca), had the opportunity to present the Maths&Languages project during the 3rd Scientix conference 4-6 May 2018 in Brussels. More than 350 teachers, policymakers, researchers and project managers attended her talk. No doubt that it caught their eyes!

Thank you Ariana for this great dissemination work!


Iași M&L pupils participated in the MATh.en.JEANS congress in Chișinău (Moldova)

The last MATh.en.JEANS congress was held in Chișinău (Moldova) on the 12th of May in the library of the Moldovan Academy of Sciences.

This event gathered 70 participants: students, teachers and researchers of 8 workshops from Chişinău (2 teams), Hîncești and Ungheni (Moldavie) and from the nearby Romanian city of Iași (2 teams from Colegiul Naţional and 1 team from Colegiul Naţional „Costache Negruzzi”).

The two teams from Colegiul Naţional (Iaşi) that presented their research work via conferences and posters, like all the other students involved, are part of the M&L project. A great showcase for us!