
Lycée d’Altitude and CN Emil Racoviţă students participated in the Math Research Forum (Cluj-Napoca, 18th of May)

Students from Lycée d’Altitude (Briançon, France) and Colegiul Naţional Emil Racoviţă (Cluj-Napoca, Romania) presented jointly their research activities during the Math Research Forum of Cluj-Napoca on the 18th of May. They were meeting for the third time this year, setting a nice collaboration example to the others M&L workshops to follow.

During this 3-days meeting, students from this twinning had the opportunity to go further in their research collaboration particularly writing together their publications.

Finally, the Briançon delegation was given a guided tour of the very nice city of Cluj-Napoca in English language. This M&L project is definitively much more than doing only Mathematics in a foreign language!